the secret behind closed doors

spreading awareness and information of abuse

Rape Myths

Posted by shadowlight and co on February 4, 2010

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In Scotland, only 2.9% of rapes recorded by the police currently lead to a conviction, and the humiliation experienced by female complainers in court is well documented.

Despite recent efforts to help women who have been raped to receive justice, societal attitudes continue to play a significant role in limiting justice for women who have experienced this crime.

Several reviews (including one by the Crown Office in Scotland) and other pieces of research conducted over the last few years have highlighted consistently and alarmingly a range of prejudicial attitudes held by the public which blame women for their victimisation and compound an already traumatic experience by attributing the assault in whole or in part to some aspect of their demeanour or behaviour.

This is particularly true where women have been drinking before being raped, if they dress in a manner deemed to be ‘provocative’, or if they have engaged in some level of intimacy with their attacker before an assault. Women who suffer rape in the context of a marriage or other intimate partnership are also seriously disadvantaged by public attitudes, which often support the view that by entering into this marriage or relationship, they have somehow given up their right to refuse consent to sex.

The myth persists that only rape by a stranger counts as ‘real rape’, in spite of the fact that the vast majority of attacks are carried out by someone known to the victim, (often her husband or partner) and are every bit as damaging.

Women NEVER invite rape, whatever relationship they are in, whatever decisions they have made around drink or dress and whatever level of intimacy they have already engaged in with their attackers. We need to replace the blame and condemnation we currently offer to women who have been raped with support and justice. And we need to assign responsibility where it really belongs – with rapists.


Rape is commited by crazed strangers


most women are raped by “normal” acquaintances


A woman who gets raped deserved it, esspeically if she agreed to get in his car or go to his home


No one deserves to be raped. Being in someones car of home is not the same as agreeing to have sex


Women who don’t fight back have not been raped


To be raped means to be forced into sex against your will, weither you fight or not


If there is no gun or knife you have notbeen raped


It’s rape no matter how the rapist forces you to have sex with them. They could use a weapon, their fists, verbal threats, drugs, alcohol, physical isolation, or even just his own weight to overcome you.


It’s not rape if the person was not a virgin.


Firstly… what the hell people???? Secondly rape is rape


If a man buys a woman dinner then she owes him


No one owes sex as payment to anyone, no matter how expensive the date.


Agreeing to kissing or having sex on a previous occation with them is the same as agreeing to have intercourse


Everyone has the right to say “NO” to sexual activity, regardles of what has preceded it

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